Source code for hysop.topology.cartesian_topology

# Copyright (c) HySoP 2011-2024
# This file is part of HySoP software.
# See ""
# for further info.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import warnings

from hysop.topology.topology import (
from hysop.constants import np, math, Backend, MemoryOrdering
from hysop.constants import HYSOP_ORDER, BoundaryCondition, HYSOP_INTEGER
from hysop.constants import HYSOP_REAL, HYSOP_MPI_REAL, TranspositionState
from import TranspositionState
from import Box, BoxView
from hysop.core.mpi import MPI
from import check_instance, to_tuple, first_not_None
from import CartesianDiscretization, MPIParams
from import Utils, prod
from import debug, deprecated
from import npw
from import prepend
from hysop.mesh.cartesian_mesh import CartesianMesh, CartesianMeshView
from hysop.testsenv import __HAS_OPENCL_BACKEND__

[docs] class CartesianTopologyState(TopologyState): """ CartesianTopology topology state. This is a helper class to qualify CartesianDiscreteField states. A CartesianTopologyState contains informations about the way the application should perceive the contained data (Arrays) in CartesianDiscreteFields. Those informations include for the current physical transposition state of the topology and the local meshes and the memory_order. Currently the state is shared accross all components of the CartesianDiscreteField. This is global state for all processes contained in the linked Cartesian topology. """ __slots__ = ("_is_read_only", "_dim", "_axes", "_memory_order", "_task_id") @debug def __new__( cls, dim, task_id, axes=None, memory_order=None, is_read_only=False, **kwds ): return super().__new__(cls, is_read_only=is_read_only, **kwds) @debug def __init__( self, dim, task_id, axes=None, memory_order=None, is_read_only=False, **kwds ): """ Initialize a CartesianState to given parameters. Parameters ---------- dim: int Dimensiong of the underlying domain. axes: tuple of ints, optional Permutation of the CartesianTopology and the meshes as tuple of ints, in numpy notations. memory_order: :class:`hysop.constants.MemoryOrdering`, optional Either C or Fortran memory order. is read_only: bool, optional Whether this topology is read only or not. kwds: dict Base class keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(is_read_only=is_read_only, **kwds) self._dim = int(dim) self._task_id = int(task_id) self._set_axes(axes) self._set_memory_order(memory_order) def _get_axes(self): """Return current permutation as a tuple of int.""" return self._axes def _set_axes(self, axes): """Set the current permutation as a tuple of int.""" axes = axes or TranspositionState[self._dim].default_axes() axes = to_tuple(axes, cast=int) check_instance(axes, tuple, values=int) assert set(axes) == set(range(self._dim)) self._axes = axes def _get_memory_order(self): """Return current memory_order as a tuple (one memory_order per axis).""" return self._memory_order def _set_memory_order(self, memory_order): """Set the current memory_order as a tuple of hysop.constants.memory_order.""" memory_order = first_not_None(memory_order, MemoryOrdering.C_CONTIGUOUS) if memory_order == "c": memory_order = MemoryOrdering.C_CONTIGUOUS elif memory_order == "f": memory_order = MemoryOrdering.F_CONTIGUOUS assert memory_order in ( MemoryOrdering.C_CONTIGUOUS, MemoryOrdering.F_CONTIGUOUS, ), memory_order self._memory_order = memory_order def _get_dim(self): """Return the dimension of the underlying topology domain.""" return self._dim def _get_task_id(self): """Return the task identifier of the underlying topology domain.""" return self._task_id def _get_tstate(self): """Return the TranspositionState corresponding to current permutation axes.""" return TranspositionState.axes_to_tstate(self._axes) def __transposed(self, vec, axes): """ Compute permutation of input vector of size len(axes) according to axes permutation. """ axes = to_tuple(axes) if self.memory_order is MemoryOrdering.F_CONTIGUOUS: axes = axes[::-1] assert len(axes) > 0 assert set(axes) == set(range(len(axes))), axes if isinstance(vec, np.ndarray): if (vec.ndim > 1) and (vec.ndim == len(axes)): assert vec.size != len(axes), "ambiguous transposition" return npw.transpose(vec, axes=axes) else: assert vec.size == len(axes), f"{vec.size} != {len(axes)}" res = vec.copy() res[...] = tuple(vec[i] for i in axes) return res else: assert len(vec) == len(axes) return type(vec)(vec[i] for i in axes)
[docs] def transposed(self, vec): """Compute permutation of input vector according to current transposition state.""" return self.__transposed(vec, self._axes)
[docs] def copy(self, axes=None, memory_order=None, is_read_only=None): """Return a copy of self, some properties may be alterted in kwds.""" memory_order = first_not_None(memory_order, self.memory_order) is_read_only = first_not_None(is_read_only, self.is_read_only) axes = first_not_None(axes, self.axes) return CartesianTopologyState( dim=self.dim, task_id=self.task_id, axes=axes, memory_order=memory_order, is_read_only=is_read_only, )
[docs] def short_description(self): """Return a short description of this CartesianTopologyState.""" s = "{}[order={}, axes=({}), ro={}, task={}]" return s.format( self.full_tag, self.memory_order, ",".join(str(a) for a in self.axes), "1" if self.is_read_only else "0", self.task_id, )
[docs] def long_description(self): """Return a long description of this CartesianTopologyState.""" s = """{} *dim: {} *task_id: {} *order: {} *axes: ({}) *tstate: {} *read only: {} """ return s.format( self.full_tag, self.dim, self.task_id, self.memory_order, ",".join([str(a) for a in self.axes]), self.tstate, self.is_read_only, )
[docs] def match(self, other, invert=False): """Check if this topology state does match the other one.""" if not isinstance(other, CartesianTopologyState): return NotImplemented match = super().match(other, invert=False) match &= self._dim == other._dim match &= self._task_id == other._task_id match &= self._axes == other._axes match &= self._memory_order == other._memory_order return not match if invert else match
def __hash__(self): h = super().__hash__() return ( h ^ hash(self._dim) ^ hash(self._task_id) ^ hash(self._axes) ^ hash(self._memory_order) ) dim = property(_get_dim) task_id = property(_get_task_id) tstate = property(_get_tstate) axes = property(_get_axes, _set_axes) memory_order = property(_get_memory_order, _set_memory_order)
[docs] class CartesianTopologyView(TopologyView): """ CartesianTopology topology view. Basically a CartesianTopology topology with field transposition state taken into account. """ __slots__ = ("_mesh_view", "_domain_view", "_topology", "_topology_state") @debug def __init__(self, topology_state, topology=None, **kwds): super().__init__(topology_state=topology_state, topology=topology, **kwds)
[docs] @debug def __new__(cls, topology_state, topology=None, **kwds): """ Create and initialize a cartesian topology view. Parameters ---------- topology_state: :class:`~hysop.topology.cartesian_topology.CartesianTopologyState` State that charaterizes the given view. topology: :class:`~hysop.topology.topology.CartesianTopology` Original cartesian topology on which the view is. kwds: dict Base class keyword arguments. """ check_instance(topology_state, CartesianTopologyState) check_instance(topology, CartesianTopology, allow_none=True) obj = super().__new__( cls, topology_state=topology_state, topology=topology, **kwds ) check_instance(obj._topology, CartesianTopology) return obj
def _get_proc_axes(self): """Returns state transposition axes.""" return self._topology_state.axes def _get_proc_memory_order(self): """Returns state memory_order.""" return self._topology_state.memory_order def _proc_transposed(self, vec): """Returns transposed vec according to current transposition state.""" return self._topology_state.transposed(vec) def _distributed_components(self, vec): """ Extract distributed components of vector and returns reduced vector of same type. """ rvec = np.asarray(vec)[self._get_is_distributed()] if isinstance(vec, np.ndarray): return rvec.copy() else: return type(vec)(rvec.tolist()) # ATTRIBUTE GETTERS def _get_global_resolution(self): """Returns global resolution of the discretization (logical grid size).""" return self._proc_transposed(self._topology._discretization.global_resolution) def _get_grid_resolution(self): """Returns grid resolution of the discretization (effective grid size).""" return self._proc_transposed(self._topology._discretization.grid_resolution) def _get_ghosts(self): """Returns ghosts of the discretization.""" return self._proc_transposed(self._topology._discretization.ghosts) def _get_comm(self): """Return the communicator of this topology.""" return self._get_cart_comm() def _get_cart_comm(self): """MPI cartesian topology intracommunicator.""" return self._topology._cart_comm def _get_cart_dim(self): """MPI cartesian topology dimension.""" return self._topology._cart_dim def _get_cart_size(self): """MPI cartesian topology size.""" return self._topology._cart_size def _get_cart_shape(self): """MPI cartesian topology shape.""" return self._distributed_components(self._get_proc_shape()) def _get_cart_periods(self): """MPI cartesian topology shape.""" return self._distributed_components(self._get_is_periodic()) def _get_cart_coords(self): """Current process MPI cartesian topology coordinates.""" return self._distributed_components(self._get_proc_coords()) def _get_cart_rank(self): """Current process MPI cartesian topology rank.""" return self._topology._cart_rank def _get_cart_ranks(self): """Return all MPI cartesian topology ranks as np.ndarray.""" return self._get_proc_ranks().reshape(self._get_cart_shape()) def _get_cart_ranks_mapping(self): """Return all parent communicator topology ranks as np.ndarray.""" return self._get_proc_ranks_mapping().reshape(self._get_cart_shape()) def _get_cart_neighbour_ranks(self): """Return the ranks of the neighbours nodes as obtained by MPI_Cart_shift. self.neighbours[0,i] (resp. [1,i]) is the previous (resp. next) neighbour in axe i.""" return self._get_proc_neighbour_ranks()[:, self._get_is_distributed()] def _get_proc_shape(self): """MPI cartesian topology extended shape (ie. undistributed axes included).""" return self._proc_transposed(self._topology._proc_shape) def _get_proc_coords(self): """ Current process cartesian topology extended coordinates (ie. undistributed axes included). """ return self._proc_transposed(self._topology._proc_coords) def _get_proc_ranks(self): """ Return all MPI cartesian topology ranks as np.ndarray undistributed axes included. """ return np.transpose(self._topology._proc_ranks, axes=self._get_proc_axes()) def _get_proc_ranks_mapping(self): """ Return all parent communicator topology ranks as np.ndarray, undistributed axes included. """ return np.transpose( self._topology._proc_ranks_mapping, axes=self._get_proc_axes() ) def _get_proc_neighbour_ranks(self): """ Return the ranks of the neighbours nodes as obtained by MPI_Cart_shift. self.neighbours[0,i] (resp. [1,i]) is the previous (resp. next) neighbour in axe i. If axe is not distributed, self.neighbours[:,i] returns [-1,-1]. """ if self._topology_state.memory_order is MemoryOrdering.F_CONTIGUOUS: prev, next = self._topology._proc_neighbour_ranks[ :, tuple(self._get_proc_axes()) ] return npw.asintegerarray((prev[::-1], next[::-1])) else: return self._topology._proc_neighbour_ranks[:, tuple(self._get_proc_axes())] def _get_is_distributed(self): """ Returns Directions which have been distributed, is_distributed[dir] = True means that data has been distributed along dir. """ return self._proc_transposed(self._topology._is_distributed) def _get_is_periodic(self): r""" MPI communicator grid periodicity. is_periodic[dir] = True means that the MPI grid is periodic along dir. /!\ This is not equivalent to domain periodicity, as a periodic direction might not be distributed in the MPI cartesian grid or might be forced to be periodic for other reasons through the is_periodic parameter override. """ return self._proc_transposed(self._topology._is_periodic) def _get_distributed_axes(self): """Return distributed axes ids as a np.ndarray of integers.""" return np.where(self._get_is_distributed() == True)[0].astype(np.int32) def _get_periodic_axes(self): """Return cartesian communicator periodic axes ids as a np.ndarray of integers.""" return np.where(self._get_is_periodic() == True)[0].astype(np.int32) global_resolution = property(_get_global_resolution) grid_resolution = property(_get_grid_resolution) ghosts = property(_get_ghosts) comm = property(_get_comm) cart_comm = property(_get_cart_comm) cart_dim = property(_get_cart_dim) cart_size = property(_get_cart_size) cart_rank = property(_get_cart_rank) cart_coords = property(_get_cart_coords) cart_shape = property(_get_cart_shape) cart_periods = property(_get_cart_periods) cart_ranks = property(_get_cart_ranks) cart_ranks_mapping = property(_get_cart_ranks_mapping) cart_neighbour_ranks = property(_get_cart_neighbour_ranks) proc_coords = property(_get_proc_coords) proc_shape = property(_get_proc_shape) proc_ranks = property(_get_proc_ranks) proc_ranks_mapping = property(_get_proc_ranks_mapping) proc_neighbour_ranks = property(_get_proc_neighbour_ranks) is_distributed = property(_get_is_distributed) is_periodic = property(_get_is_periodic) distributed_axes = property(_get_distributed_axes) periodic_axes = property(_get_periodic_axes)
[docs] def default_state(self): """Return the default topology state of this topology.""" return CartesianTopologyState( dim=self.domain.dim, task_id=self.mpi_params.task_id )
[docs] def short_description(self): """ Returns a short description of the current TopologyView. Short version of long_description(). """ s = "{}[domain={}, backend={}, pshape={}, " s += "grid_resolution={}, ghosts={}, bc=({})]" s = s.format( self.full_tag, self.domain.domain.full_tag, self.backend.kind, self.proc_shape, "[{}]".format(",".join(str(s) for s in self.grid_resolution)), "[{}]".format(",".join(str(g) for g in self.ghosts)), ",".join( "{}/{}".format( str(lb).replace("HOMOGENEOUS_", "")[:3], str(rb).replace("HOMOGENEOUS_", "")[:3], ) for (lb, rb) in zip(*self.mesh.global_boundaries) ), ) return s
[docs] def long_description(self): """ Returns a long description of the current TopologyView. Long version of short_description(). """ s = f"======== {self.full_tag} ========\n" s += " *on task: " + str(self.task_id) + "\n" s += " *backend: " + str(self.backend.full_tag) + "\n" s += " *shape: " + str(self.proc_shape) + "\n" s += " *process of coords " + str(self.proc_coords[:]) s += " and of ranks cart_rank={}, parent_rank={}\n".format( self.cart_rank, self.mpi_params.rank ) s += " *cartesian ranks map:\n" s += prepend(str(self.cart_ranks), " " * 4) + "\n" s += " *cartesian to parent comm ranks mapping:\n" s += prepend(str(self.proc_ranks_mapping), " " * 4) + "\n" s += " *neighbours ranks (left, right) x direction \n" s += prepend(str(self.proc_neighbour_ranks), " " * 4) + "\n" s += prepend("*" + str(self.domain), " " * 2) s += prepend("*" + str(self.mesh), " " * 2) s += "===================================\n" return s
[docs] def can_communicate_with(self, target): """True if current topo is complient with target. Complient means : - all processes in current are in target - both topologies belong to the same mpi task """ if self.topology == target.topology: return True msg = "You try to connect topologies belonging to" msg += " two different mpi tasks. Set taskids properly or use" msg += " InterBridge." assert self.task_id == target.task_id, msg return self.is_consistent_with(target)
[docs] def is_consistent_with(self, target): """ True if target and current object are equal and have the same parent. Equal means same mesh, same shape and same domain. """ check_instance(target, CartesianTopologyView) same_parent = self.parent == target.parent return npw.equal(self.proc_shape, target.proc_shape).all() and same_parent
[docs] def __str__(self): """Same as self.long_description().""" return self.long_description()
[docs] class CartesianTopology(CartesianTopologyView, Topology): """ CartesianTopology topologies defined on cartesian meshes which communicates accross processes through a MPI CartesianTopology communicator. """ @debug def __init__( self, domain, discretization, mpi_params=None, cart_dim=None, cart_shape=None, is_periodic=None, cutdirs=None, mesh=None, cartesian_topology=None, cl_env=None, **kwds, ): super().__init__( mpi_params=mpi_params, domain=domain, discretization=discretization, cart_dim=cart_dim, cart_size=None, proc_shape=None, is_periodic=is_periodic, is_distributed=None, cartesian_topology=id(cartesian_topology), mesh=hash(mesh), topology_state=None, cl_env=cl_env, **kwds, )
[docs] @debug def __new__( cls, domain, discretization, mpi_params=None, cart_dim=None, cart_shape=None, is_periodic=None, cutdirs=None, mesh=None, cartesian_topology=None, cl_env=None, **kwds, ): r""" Initializes or get an existing CartesianTopology topology. Parameters ---------- domain : :class:`` The box geometry on which the cartesian topology is defined. discretization: :class:`` Description of the global space discretization of the box (resolution, ghosts, and boundary conditions). mpi_params : :class:``, optional MPI parameters (comm, task ...). If not specified, comm = domain.task_comm, task = domain.curent_task() backend: :class:`~hysop.constants.Backend` or `~hysop.core.arrays.ArrayBackend`, optional Backend or backend kind for this topology. By default a topology will use Backend.HOST. cart_dim: int, optional MPI topology dimension. cart_shape: list or array of int, optional MPI grid layout, should be sized as the domain dimension. is_periodic : tuple, list or array of bool, optional MPI grid periodicity, *overrides* discretization boundary conditions. cutdirs: list or array of bool, optional Set which directions may be distributed, cutdirs[dir] = True allow MPI to distribute data along dir. mesh: :class:`~hysop.domain.mesh.CartesianMesh`, optional A predifined mesh (it includes local and global grids.) cartesian_topology: :class:`~hysop.core.mpi.MPI.Cartcomm`, optional A predefined mpi cartesian topology. Use this when you need the same communicator for two different meshes/space distribution of data. kwds: dict Base class arguments. Includes allocator, cl_env and queue. Attributes ---------- global_resolution: np.ndarray of HYSOP_INTEGER Resolution of the global mesh (as given in the discretization parameter). ghosts: np.ndarray of HYSOP_INTEGER CartesianDiscretization ghosts of local-to-process mesh (as given in the discretization parameter). mesh: :class:`~hysop.domain.mesh.CartesianMeshView`: Local mesh on the current mpi process. cart_comm: :class:`~hysop.core.mpi.MPI.Cartcomm` MPI cartesian topology intracommunicator. cart_dim: int MPI_Cart topology dimension. Dimension of the MPI cartesian communicator. This dimension may be smaller than the domain dimension, because some directions may not be distributed. cart_size: int MPI_Cart grid size. Size of the MPI cartesian communicator (total number of MPI processes). cart_rank: int MPI_Cart rank. Rank of the current process in the cartesian communicator. May be different than self.mpi_params.rank. cart_coords: np.ndarray of np.int32 Coordinate of this process in the cartesian communicator grid. The returned tuple is of dimension self.dimension. cart_shape: np.ndarray of np.int32 MPI_Cart grid shape. Shape of the MPI cartesian communicator. cart_periods: np.ndarray of bool MPI_Cart grid periodicity cart_ranks: np.ndarray of np.int32 Return all ranks of this cartesian topology as a np.ndarray such that array[cart_coords] = rank. cart_ranks_mapping: np.ndarray of np.int32 Return all ranks of the parent MPI communicator as a np.ndarray such that array[cart_coords] = parent rank. cart_neighbour_ranks: np.ndarray Return the ranks of the neighbours nodes as obtained by MPI_Cart_shift. self.neighbours[0,i] (resp. [1,i]) is the previous (resp. next) neighbour in direction i. proc_coords: tuple of int Coordinates of this process in the extended cartesian grid (ie. with non distributed directions included). The returned tuple is of dimension self.domain_dim. proc_shape: tuple of int Processus grid shape, same as cart_shape but extended with non distributed directions. proc_ranks: np.ndarray of np.int32 Return all ranks of this cartesian topology as a np.ndarray such that array[proc_coords] = rank. proc_ranks_mapping: np.ndarray of np.int32 Return all ranks of the parent MPI communicator as a np.ndarray such that array[proc_coords] = parent rank. proc_neighbour_ranks: np.ndarray Return the ranks of the neighbours nodes as obtained by MPI_Cart_shift. self.neighbours[0,i] (resp. [1,i]) is the previous (resp. next) neighbour in axe i. If axe is not distributed, self.neighbours[:,i] returns [-1,-1]. is_distributed : tuple of bool Directions which have been distributed, is_distributed[dir] = True means that data has been distributed along dir. is_periodic : tuple of bool MPI grid periodicity. is_periodic[dir] = True means that the MPI grid is periodic along dir. /!\ This is not equivalent to domain periodicity, as a periodic direction might not be distributed in the MPI cartesian grid or might be forced to be periodic for other reasons through the is_periodic parameter override. Domain periodicity is self.domain.periodicity Notes: ------ * Almost all parameters above are optional. Only one must be chosen among dim, cutdirs and shape. See :ref:`topologies` in the Hysop User Guide for details. * When cartesian_topology is given, dim, shape and cutdirs parameters, if set, are not used to build the mpi topology, but compared with cartesian_topology parameters. If they do not fit, error is raised. * Unless is_periodic is specified periodicity is extracted from domain boundary conditions. * All attributes are read-only properties. """ # Get or create mpi parameters mpi_params = cls._create_mpi_params(mpi_params, domain, cl_env) # prepare MPI processes layout (cart_dim, cart_size, proc_shape, is_periodic, is_distributed) = ( cls._check_topo_parameters( mpi_params, domain, discretization, cart_shape, cutdirs, cart_dim, is_periodic, cartesian_topology, ) ) # double check types, to be sure RegisteredObject will work as expected check_instance(mpi_params, MPIParams) check_instance(domain, Box) check_instance(discretization, CartesianDiscretization) check_instance(cart_dim, (int, np.integer)) check_instance(cart_size, (int, np.integer)) check_instance(proc_shape, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(is_periodic, np.ndarray, dtype=bool) check_instance(is_distributed, np.ndarray, dtype=bool) check_instance(cartesian_topology, MPI.Cartcomm, allow_none=True) check_instance(mesh, CartesianMesh, allow_none=True) cart_dim = int(cart_dim) cart_size = int(cart_size) npw.set_readonly(proc_shape, is_periodic, is_distributed) topology_state = CartesianTopologyState( dim=domain.dim, task_id=mpi_params.task_id ) obj = super().__new__( cls, mpi_params=mpi_params, domain=domain, discretization=discretization, cart_dim=cart_dim, cart_size=cart_size, proc_shape=proc_shape, is_periodic=is_periodic, is_distributed=is_distributed, cartesian_topology=id(cartesian_topology), mesh=hash(mesh), topology_state=topology_state, cl_env=cl_env, **kwds, ) if not obj.obj_initialized: obj.__initialize( domain, discretization, cart_dim, cart_size, proc_shape, is_periodic, is_distributed, cartesian_topology, mesh, ) return obj
def __initialize( self, domain, discretization, cart_dim, cart_size, proc_shape, is_periodic, is_distributed, cartesian_topology, mesh, ): self._discretization = discretization self._cart_dim = cart_dim self._cart_size = cart_size self._proc_shape = proc_shape self._is_periodic = is_periodic self._is_distributed = is_distributed if cartesian_topology is None: cartesian_topology = self._build_mpi_topo() self._set_topo(cartesian_topology) # Get features of the mpi processes grid self._extract_topo_features(domain) # Computation of the local meshes if mesh is None: mesh = self._compute_mesh(domain, discretization) self._mesh = mesh self._TopologyView__set_mesh(mesh) npw.set_readonly( self._proc_coords, self._proc_shape, self._proc_ranks, self._proc_neighbour_ranks, self._is_distributed, self._is_periodic, ) if __debug__: self.__check_vars() def __check_vars(self): # check variables and properties at the same time check_instance(self.global_resolution, np.ndarray, HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.ghosts, np.ndarray, HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.cart_comm, MPI.Cartcomm) check_instance(self.cart_dim, int, minval=1) check_instance(self.cart_size, int, minval=1, maxval=self.mpi_params.size) check_instance(self.cart_rank, int, minval=0, maxval=self._cart_size) check_instance(self.cart_coords, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.cart_shape, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.cart_ranks, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.cart_neighbour_ranks, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.cart_ranks_mapping, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.cart_periods, np.ndarray, dtype=bool) check_instance(self.proc_coords, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.proc_shape, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.proc_ranks, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.proc_neighbour_ranks, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.proc_ranks_mapping, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.distributed_axes, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.periodic_axes, np.ndarray, dtype=HYSOP_INTEGER) check_instance(self.is_distributed, np.ndarray, dtype=bool) check_instance(self.is_periodic, np.ndarray, dtype=bool) check_instance(self.domain, BoxView) check_instance(self.mesh, CartesianMeshView)
[docs] def topology_like( self, backend=None, grid_resolution=None, ghosts=None, lboundaries=None, rboundaries=None, mpi_params=None, cart_shape=None, **kwds, ): """Return a topology like this object, possibly altered.""" assert "global_resolution" not in kwds, "Specify grid_resolution instead." grid_resolution = first_not_None( grid_resolution, self._discretization.grid_resolution ) ghosts = first_not_None(ghosts, self._discretization.ghosts) lboundaries = first_not_None(lboundaries, self._discretization.lboundaries) rboundaries = first_not_None(rboundaries, self._discretization.rboundaries) backend = first_not_None(backend, self._backend) discretization = CartesianDiscretization( resolution=grid_resolution, ghosts=ghosts, lboundaries=lboundaries, rboundaries=rboundaries, ) # find out the target mpi_params if __HAS_OPENCL_BACKEND__: from hysop.core.arrays.all import OpenClArrayBackend if isinstance(backend, OpenClArrayBackend): if (mpi_params is not None) and ( mpi_params != backend.cl_env.mpi_params ): msg = "Backend mpi params mismatch." raise RuntimeError(msg) mpi_params = backend.cl_env.mpi_params mpi_params = first_not_None(mpi_params, self.mpi_params) if self.domain.dim == grid_resolution.size: cart_shape = first_not_None(cart_shape, self.proc_shape) return CartesianTopology( domain=self._domain, mpi_params=mpi_params, discretization=discretization, backend=backend, cart_shape=self.proc_shape, cartesian_topology=None, **kwds, )
@classmethod def _check_topo_parameters( cls, mpi_params, domain, discretization, shape, cutdirs, dim, is_periodic, cartesian_topology, ): """ Check compatibility between input parameters provided to build the mpi topology and return shape of the cartesian topology. The layout can be obtained by: (a) - from an already built cartesian topology (b) - from 'shape' parameter : we choose explicitely the layout. (c) - from 'cutdirs' parameter: we choose the directions to split and let MPI fix the number of processes in each dir. (d) - from dimension of the topology ==> let MPI choose the 'best' layout. (e) - in last resort the dimension will be the dimension of the domain. """ domain_dim = domain.dim parent_size = mpi_params.comm.Get_size() if cartesian_topology: msg = "Wrong type for input communicator." assert isinstance(cartesian_topology, MPI.Cartcomm), msg msg = "The given cartesian topology does not fit with the others" msg += " input parameters." assert (dim is None) or (cartesian_topology.dim == dim), msg assert (shape is None) or (cartesian_topology.size == prod(shape)), msg assert (shape is None) or ( shape == npw.asintegerarray(cartesian_topology.dims) ).all(), msg assert is_periodic is not None dim = cartesian_topology.dim cart_shape = cartesian_topology.dims shape = npw.dim_ones(domain_dim) shape[:dim] = cart_shape elif shape is not None: # method (b) msg = " parameter is useless when shape is provided." assert cutdirs is None, "cutdirs " + msg assert dim is None, "dim " + msg dim = domain_dim shape = npw.asintegerarray(shape) msg = "Input shape must be of " msg += "the same size as the domain dimension." assert shape.size == dim, msg elif cutdirs is not None: # method (c) msg = " parameter is useless when cutdirs is provided." assert shape is None, "shape " + msg assert dim is None, "dim " + msg shape = npw.dim_ones(domain_dim) is_distributed = npw.asboolarray(cutdirs).copy() if is_distributed.any(): dim = np.sum(is_distributed > 0) assert dim <= domain_dim, "cutdirs is not of size domain_dim" cart_shape = npw.asintegerarray(MPI.Compute_dims(parent_size, dim)) cls._optimize_shape(cart_shape) assert ( sum(cutdirs) == cart_shape.size ), "Created shape {} doesnt respect specified cutdirs {}".format( np.sum(cutdirs > 0), cart_shape.size ) shape[is_distributed > 0] = cart_shape else: assert parent_size == 1 else: if dim is not None: # method (d) msg = " parameter is useless when dim is provided." assert shape is None, "shape " + msg assert cutdirs is None, "cutdirs " + msg else: # method (e) dim = domain_dim cart_shape = npw.asintegerarray(MPI.Compute_dims(parent_size, dim)) shape = npw.dim_ones(domain_dim) shape[:dim] = cart_shape cls._optimize_shape(shape) if is_periodic is None: try: is_periodic = discretization.periodicity except AttributeError: msg = "Given CartesianDiscretization was not setup correctly:" msg += "\n => Boundary conditions have not been set." msg += "\n{}" msg = msg.format(discretization) raise ValueError(msg) shape = npw.asintegerarray(shape) is_periodic = np.asarray(is_periodic) != 0 assert shape.size == domain_dim assert is_periodic.size == domain_dim is_distributed = shape > 1 if parent_size == 1: is_distributed[-1] = True cart_shape = shape[is_distributed] cart_dim = cart_shape.size cart_size = prod(cart_shape) is_periodic = is_periodic * is_distributed assert (cart_dim > 0) and (cart_dim <= domain_dim) assert prod(cart_shape) == prod(shape) assert (cart_shape <= shape[is_distributed]).all() assert cart_size <= parent_size assert is_periodic.size == domain_dim assert is_distributed.size == domain_dim if cart_size < parent_size: msg = "Only {} processes will be used in the CartesianTopology topology " msg += "(parent communicator contains {} processes)." msg = msg.format(cart_size, parent_size) warnings.warn(msg, TopologyWarning) proc_shape = shape return (cart_dim, cart_size, proc_shape, is_periodic, is_distributed) def _build_mpi_topo(self): cart_shape = self._proc_shape[self._is_distributed] periods = self._is_periodic[self._is_distributed] return self.mpi_params.comm.Create_cart( cart_shape, periods=periods, reorder=True ) def _set_topo(self, cartesian_topology): """Check and set self._cart_comm and self._cart_rank.""" msg = "Wrong type for input communicator." assert isinstance(cartesian_topology, MPI.Cartcomm), msg comm = cartesian_topology assert self.cart_dim == comm.ndim assert self.cart_size == comm.Get_size() assert ( self._proc_shape[self._is_distributed] == npw.asintegerarray(comm.dims) ).all() assert ( self._is_periodic[self._is_distributed] == npw.asboolarray(comm.periods) ).all() self._cart_comm = comm self._cart_rank = comm.Get_rank() def _extract_topo_features(self, domain): """Set self._proc_coords, self._proc_ranks, self._proc_ranks_mapping.""" is_distributed = self._is_distributed proc_shape = self._proc_shape cart_comm = self._cart_comm mpi_params = self._mpi_params domain_dim = domain.dim cart_shape = proc_shape[is_distributed] cart_coords = npw.asintegerarray(cart_comm.coords) proc_coords = npw.dim_zeros(domain_dim) proc_coords[is_distributed] = cart_coords proc_ranks = npw.dim_zeros(proc_shape) cart_ranks = proc_ranks.reshape(cart_shape) proc_ranks_mapping = npw.dim_zeros(proc_shape) cart_ranks_mapping = proc_ranks_mapping.reshape(proc_ranks_mapping.size) proc_neighbour_ranks = npw.dim_zeros(shape=(2, domain_dim)) for coords in np.ndindex(*cart_shape): rank = cart_comm.Get_cart_rank(coords) cart_ranks[coords] = rank cart_ranks_mapping[...] = MPI.Group.Translate_ranks(, cart_ranks.flatten(), ) direction = 0 for i in range(self.domain_dim): if is_distributed[i]: proc_neighbour_ranks[:, i] = self._cart_comm.Shift(direction, 1) direction += 1 else: proc_neighbour_ranks[:, i] = (-1, -1) assert direction == self.cart_dim self._proc_coords = npw.asintegerarray(proc_coords) self._proc_ranks = npw.asintegerarray(proc_ranks) self._proc_ranks_mapping = npw.asintegerarray(proc_ranks_mapping) self._proc_neighbour_ranks = npw.asintegerarray(proc_neighbour_ranks) @staticmethod def _optimize_shape(shape): """ Reorder shape according to the data layout if arrays are in "fortran" order (column major) the last dir has priority for distribution. For C-like (row major) arrays, first dir is the first to be distributed, and so on. """ shape.sort() if HYSOP_ORDER == "C": shape[:] = shape[::-1] def _compute_mesh(self, domain, discretization): assert isinstance(domain, Box) assert isinstance(discretization, CartesianDiscretization) assert ( self.domain_dim == discretization.grid_resolution.size ), "The resolution size differs from the domain dimension." proc_coords = self._proc_coords proc_shape = self._proc_shape # Find out dimension and periodic axes of the domain domain_dim = domain.dim periodicity = discretization.periodicity # /!\ Now we assume that the user gives us the grid resolutionn # and not the global_resolution as it used to be. # We do not remove 1 point on each periodic axe because of periodicity computational_grid_resolution = discretization.grid_resolution # Number of "computed" points (i.e. excluding ghosts). # /!\ we try to match fftw_mpi_local_size_* functions for the Fortran spectral backend assert all(computational_grid_resolution >= proc_shape) pts_noghost = npw.dim_zeros(domain_dim) pts_noghost[:] = npw.ceil( npw.divide(computational_grid_resolution.astype(HYSOP_REAL), proc_shape) ) # If any, remaining points are added on the mesh of the last process. remaining_points = npw.dim_zeros(domain_dim) remaining_points[:] = ( computational_grid_resolution - (proc_shape - 1) * pts_noghost ) assert (remaining_points >= 1).all(), remaining_points # Total number of points (size of arrays to be allocated) nbpoints = pts_noghost.copy() for i in range(domain_dim): if proc_coords[i] == proc_shape[i] - 1: nbpoints[i] = remaining_points[i] local_resolution = nbpoints.copy() local_resolution += 2 * discretization.ghosts msg = "\nLocal compute shape is smaller than the total number of ghosts, " msg += "on at least one axis:" msg += f"\n *compute shape: {nbpoints}" msg += f"\n *ghosts: 2*{discretization.ghosts}" if not np.all(nbpoints >= 2 * discretization.ghosts): raise RuntimeError(msg) # Global indices for the local mesh points global_start = proc_coords * pts_noghost return CartesianMesh( topology=self, local_resolution=local_resolution, global_start=global_start )
[docs] def view(self, topology_state): """ Returns a view of this topology with the given state. """ check_instance(topology_state, CartesianTopologyState) return CartesianTopologyView(topology=self, topology_state=topology_state)
[docs] def discretize(self, field): """Discretize a continous field on this topology and return a DiscreteField.""" from hysop.fields.continuous_field import ScalarField from hysop.fields.cartesian_discrete_field import ( CartesianDiscreteScalarField, TmpCartesianDiscreteScalarField, ) check_instance(field, ScalarField) if (field.lboundaries_kind != self._discretization.lboundaries).any() or ( field.rboundaries_kind != self._discretization.rboundaries ).any(): msg = """ Cannot discretize a field with cartesian boundary conditions:' lboundaries: {} rboundaries: {} On a cartesian topology with different boundary conditions: lboundaries: {} rboundaries: {} """.format( field.lboundaries_kind, field.rboundaries_kind, self._discretization.lboundaries, self._discretization.rboundaries, ) raise RuntimeError(msg) if field.is_tmp: return TmpCartesianDiscreteScalarField(field=field, topology=self) else: return CartesianDiscreteScalarField(field=field, topology=self)